I woke up to my alarm this morning and instantly remembered my latest dream.
I was Hilary Duff's bodyguard.
At least I think I was her bodyguard. I had to go on public transportation carrying all of her baggage, including two Hannah Montana suitcases. (Yes, I know she is not Hannah Montana) Then I went to the hotel where she was staying and went up to her room that had a lobby all to itself.
My other dream involved being all spy skilled and having to get this bomb into the basement of the vuilding where the gas was, but knowing that the bad guys were going to blow me up as soon as I got there. And I witnessed them drop an elevator on a guy, but the good guys knew it was going to happen so there was some sort of rigging so that it stopped in time and the guy was suspended in water beneath.
I really need to lay off the banana nut cheerios before bed....I'm turning into one.
hahaha, must be all that horrible monday night tv you subjected yourself to :)
approved shows: house, LOST, the office, 24, psych, arrested development, always sunny. and maybe a little ali g :)
We have SUCH different taste in tv. I cannot stand Lost, Office (the American version) or 24. But I know one of the writers of Always Sunny! He throws in Emerson College references all the time, which I adore.
But I do concur that House and Psych are approved :)
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