Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day Five RYT: Highs and Lows. Rollercoaster!

Day Five: 90 min yoga flow, group practice opening, sun salutations sequencing, group teach, Pranayama 

  • I am increasingly achey and cracky and sore as the week goes on. 
  • Laying on the floor during morning teach makes it a LOT easier.
  • The Clive YMCA is the Taj Mahal of YMCAs.
  • Teaching the first four minutes of class is the most intimidating thing on the planet. 
  • Teacher choreography is NOT my thing. 
  • Running out of granola and almonds at 4pm is a sad moment. (especialling on Clean diet).
  • My day shines when I learn sun salutations have no teacher choreography!
  • 26 Breaths of Fire Balancing Sequence. Holy Hallucinogenic in a matter of 60 seconds. 
  • I have decided Kundalini is a form of yogic torture. I like my Hatha just fine!
  • The 16th Breath has shown me just how uncoordinated my fingers are.
  • Pranayama makes you feel like you should be giving out peace signs, wearing tye dye and spending a lot of time in a VW bus…..

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