Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Yoga Workshops: Taught by Me!!

It's been a crazy couple months of yoga teaching. I thought I had a teaching opportunity that eventually turned shady, but the stress relief and pure contentness I felt just in thinking I could leave the studio I was at, was too much to ignore. So I left. And the owner of the studio turned that into a sour experience even. I went into a lack of yoga phase, teaching nights only twice a week, to a clientele that didn't seem to want to be there. But that group is picking up, I'm adding morning classes at the same gym not hot, I'm starting at a brand spanking new gorgeous studio for a few classes a week, even though she'd love for me to pick up even more, AND starting Saturday classes at NLXF (first class was last weekend and it went awesome!)

But that's not even the point of the post!

This fall, my yoga partner in crime and I hosted our first ever foam rolling workshop. It was one of those things, getting it promoted and getting people to sign up was like pulling teeth (with the opposite of help from the studio owner). And the morning of was a nervous nightmare, but we ended up with about 7 attendees and they loved it.

I was a total wreck and I thought I would forget all the points that i wanted to say and that people would be skeptical and disinterested, but at the very beginning a woman piped up about how foam rolling changed her life. And from there on it was smooth sailing. First third was talking about the history and benefits and anatomical points, and then the foam rolling began, working through the body. There was moaning and groaning and giggles. Perfect. 

And then we did it again at his home studio just recently. Set up was a disaster as we had some drama with another instructor (who happened to be in our teacher training group, *gag*) and then the current training class was hogging our space until right before. So much for getting the heat down. 

BUT. Bigger turn out. Even more chatter. And people stuck around after to keep going, ask questions, and just shower the compliments. So I really can't complain, can i? And we've been asked back to teach the same at their second location. Soooo. I think it went well. 

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